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Good news! Twin-Horse Biotechnology has been awarded the "Double Strength, Six Excellences, Two Innovations and One Creation" six-star honor by the government of Jiande City


Twin-Horse Biotechnology has been awarded the "Double Strength, Six Excellences, Two Innovations, and One Creation" six-star honor by the government of Jiande City, which recognizes the company's dedication to the development of the health industry and its outstanding performance in the industry over the years.


"Double Strength, Six Excellences, Two Innovations, and One Creation" is an honor awarded by the government of Jiande City to commend companies that have achieved outstanding results in their respective fields. "Double Strength" represents a company's technological strength and scale strength, while "Six Excellences" represent product quality, service quality, management quality, cultural quality, technical quality, and social responsibility. "Two Innovations and One Creation" represent achievements in new technologies and new industries.


Twin-Horse Biotechnology's awarding of the "Double Strength, Six Excellences, Two Innovations, and One Creation" six-star honor demonstrates the company's sustained efforts in deepening its work in the health industry, continuously promoting innovation in technology and management, improving the quality and level of products and services, and fulfilling its social responsibilities. It has made positive contributions to the economic and social development of Jiande City. Twin-Horse Biotechnology will continue to work hard to promote the development of China's health industry.


Good news! Twin-Horse Biotechnology has been awarded the