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The role of red yeast rice in regulating blood sugar


Red yeast rice has been used as a toner and seasoning in ancient Chinese food culture. However, in recent years, researchers have discovered that this traditional ingredient is not only a gourmet condiment, but also a food with potential medicinal value. The latest research suggests that red yeast rice may play a positive role in regulating blood sugar.


The role of red yeast rice in regulating blood sugar


Recently, a study conducted by a research team led by the Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences has attracted widespread attention. Their research found that a natural ingredient in red yeast rice, red yeast enzyme, has the potential to lower blood sugar. This discovery attracted the attention of the medical community and brought new hope to diabetic patients.


According to researchers, red yeast enzyme is a fermentation product in red yeast rice, and its chemical structure is similar to some anti-diabetic drugs. Their experimental results showed that Monascus enzyme K can significantly reduce the blood sugar levels of experimental animals and has a certain effect on enhancing insulin sensitivity. This shows that Monascus enzyme K may affect blood glucose metabolism through multiple pathways and has potential hypoglycemic effects.


In addition, researchers also found that Monascus enzyme also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and can improve insulin resistance and insulin secretion. These effects not only help prevent the onset of diabetes but also improve blood sugar control in patients who already have diabetes.


The international medical community has also expressed great concern about this discovery. Experts from the American Diabetes Association said that this research provides new ideas and directions for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. They believe that Monascus enzyme, as a natural food ingredient, has high safety and good tolerance, and can be used as a supplement in the daily diet of diabetic patients.


Nonetheless, the researchers also pointed out that as a new antidiabetic drug, Monascus enzyme needs further clinical research to verify its safety and effectiveness. At the same time, they also called on researchers and medical workers to conduct more in-depth research on red yeast rice and its ingredients to reveal more of its pharmacological effects and potential clinical application value.


In summary, Monascus enzyme in red yeast rice may have the potential to lower blood sugar, providing new ideas for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. However, as a new antidiabetic drug, further clinical research is needed to verify its safety and effectiveness. It is hoped that through more scientific research, red yeast rice, a traditional ingredient, can bring more benefits to human health.